Creating banners
On the main page you can put bigger and smaller banners that can inform users about upcoming trainings for example.
To create a banner, go to Banners in the Communicate section.
On the list you can see banners that are already created. If you click on the name of a banner, you will be able to edit it.
In the upper right corner you can see the Add banner button. Click there to create a new banner.
Of course your banner needs to have a header, a name that will be visible to users.
Next, add some content and choose a background image.
In the next step you need to choose a tile with a banner that will display this banner. The tile determines the size of this banner and the place on the main page where it will be displayed. When you choose the tile, you will be able to see the preview of your banner.
You can also choose what will happen when someone clicks the banner.
One of the options allows you to link users to any address. This link can be opened in a new or in the same window.
The other option is a pop-up window that you can configure below - you need to add content and choose a background.
This pop-up can be shown right after someone logs in. It only works for the first time. Then the user has to click on the banner to see the pop-up.
Many banners can be displayed in one tile, so we need to set their order by choosing their priority. Banners with the highest priority are displayed first.
You can also choose when the banner will be displayed. If you do that, you don’t have to remember about publishing and unpublishing the banner.
After you add the banner, you have to choose recipients - you can choose individual people or whole groups.
The last step is going back to properties and publishing the banner, so it can become visible.
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