- Tile sections
- Tiles with links
- Tiles with banners
- Profile tile
- Tile with updates
- Upcoming trainings tile
- Course catalog
- To-do list
Tile sections
Sections allow you to group and put tiles in certain order on the main page to guide users through various content.
To create or edit sections, go to Configuration > User interface > Main page.
On the list you can see sections that are already created and tiles that are inside them. You can drag and drop whole sections or individual tiles.
Adding a section is really easy - in the upper right corner choose the Add section option and name the section. You can also decide if you want the name to be displayed on the main page.
Save your changes and now you can use this section for new or existing tiles.
Tiles with links
You can put colorful tiles that link to any web address on the main page.
Most of the tiles can be added in Configuration > User interface > Main page, including tiles with links.
First of all you need the address that this tile will link to and the section in which this tile will be displayed.
Then you can decide who will see this tile. It can be visible to everyone or to some specific groups of users.
At the bottom of the page you can find settings regarding the look of this tile. You can choose colors, texts and icons and see all the changes on the preview.
Add the tile and it will become instantly visible.
Tiles with banners
On the main page users can see banners with information. To create these banners you need a tile that will serve as a slot for them.
In main page settings you need to add a tile with banners.
You don’t have to do much - all you need is the name of this tile (users won’t see it), the section that this tile will be displayed in and its size.
When you add this tile it won’t be visible right away, you need to add a banner to it.
Profile tile
The profile tile welcomes users on the platform, shows their level in the company and redirects them to their profiles where they can find more information.
Adding the profile tile is very easy. In the main page settings choose Add profile tile from the list.
The only thing you need to do later is to choose a section on the main page in which this tile will be displayed.
After you add the tile, you can see on the main page how it looks.
Tile with updates
Tile with updates shows the newest activities in your channels right on the main page.
Adding the tile with updates is very easy. In the main page settings choose Add tile with updates from the list.
The only thing you need to do later is to choose a section on the main page in which this tile will be displayed.
After you add the tile, you can see on the main page how it looks.
Upcoming trainings tile
Upcoming trainings can be presented right on the main page in the form of a tile.
Adding the upcoming training dates tile is very easy. In the main page settings choose Add upcoming trainings tile from the list.
The only thing you need to do later is to choose a section on the main page in which this tile will be displayed.
After you add the tile, you can see on the main page how it looks. If there are more than six trainings, you can switch pages using arrows.
Course catalog
In the course catalog employees can see every self-study material available to them.
Go to Configuration > User interface > Main page and add a “Course catalog tile”. Choose a section, visibility options and the look of the tile.
Remember to add learning categories to elements. This way employees will be able to filter their materials. Elements without categories will not be displayed in the catalog.
If you want the catalog to look nice, add an image to every material, it will be visible on the list.
Don’t forget to set elements as mandatory when you assign them. Employees will see in the catalog, which elements are mandatory.
To-do list
To-do list is a single place where users can see all mandatory content.
Assign elements as mandatory for them to appear on the to-do list.
If you want the list to appear on the main page, go to Configuration > User interface > Main page.
Click Add in the upper right corner and choose the Add “To-do list tile”.
Choose a section, visibility options and the look of the tile.
Click Add to confirm and that’s all, now users can click on the tile and see their mandatory elements.
The list itself doesn’t need any additional administration. It’s important to assign any new elements as mandatory if you want them to appear on the list.
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