- Creating employee accounts
- What can you see in the user profile?
- Overview of the whole company
- Dynamic assignments
- Groups and folders
Creating employee accounts
There are three ways of creating employee accounts on the platform.
The first way is adding an account manually. It’s a good way to add one or a few accounts.
To create an account go to Employees > Employee directory, click Add in the upper right corner and choose Add an employee.
Fill fields in the profile. Logins are mandatory, every user needs to have a unique login. The more information you put in the profile, the easier it will be to create reports.
It’s important to define a manager for an employee and to add them to groups.
At the bottom of the page click Add and the profile is already created, the user can log in.
The second way to create employee accounts is an import file. On the list of employees choose Import employees. This option is useful when you need to create or edit a lot of accounts.
From here you can download the user import template that will help you to import accounts. Besides the template you can see available data columns on the users list. These are the same fields that you were filling manually moments ago. In the file you can fill them for many accounts at once.
Fill the template, save it and then go back to the platform and browse for the file. The platform will confirm if the file is correct and accounts will be created.
The third way is a synchronization of HCM Deck with your core HR system. This way is consulted individually and adjusted to your needs by your Account Manager.
What can you see in the user profile?
You can find a lot of valuable information in the user profile. Go to Employees > Employee directory and click the login of a chosen person to see their profile.
The first tab is Properties. Here you can see employee data and basic information.
In the Results tab you can see how the employee is doing with elements they’re supposed to finish.
In the Certificates tab you can see certificates uploaded to the employee's profile. As an administrator or a manager you can also upload certificates here.
In the Requests tab you can check if the employee has created any training requests and you can create a request for them.
Skills show you skill profiles and singular skills assigned to the employee. Here you can edit them, add new skills and change levels.
Review is a place where you can see evaluations and surveys the employee is a part of.
In the Assignments tab you can see elements the employee has access to and add a new assignment for them.
Tasks is a list of tasks for the employee. You can also add a new task for them here.
In the Activities tab you can see every activity of the employee.
Overview of the whole company
Besides checking on specific employees, you can also check information for the whole company.
In Analytics you can find three positions - Results, Activities and Certificates - there you can check data for every employee.
In Results you can see results of all employees from all elements, in Certificates you can see certificates of all employees and in Activities you can see all activities of all employees.
You can create views on every one of these lists to narrow down and filter data that you need at the moment.
Dynamic assignments
Users can automatically end up in specific groups based on information in their profiles.
To create a filter that will allow that, go to Employees > Groups and folders.
On the left you can see the list of groups and folders. If you want employees to end up automatically in one of groups, click its name and go to the Dynamic assignment tab.
Click Add rule in the middle.
First you need to choose the attribute. It’s a field in a profile that will determine users being added to this group, for example “Position” if you want to gather employees with a specific position here.
Then you need to choose the operator, usually it’s “Equal to”, but you can choose from many options.
The last field is “Value”, here you input what should be found in the chosen field to make an employee end up in this group. Let’s put “Java Developer” here. A condition created like this means that everyone with a position equal to Java Developer will be added to this group.
You can add more conditions to a rule or add more rules.
The platform goes through the list of users every 30 minutes to check if there’s anyone new that fits the conditions and then adds them to the group.
Groups and folders
On the platform you can find groups for users and folders for objects.
To create them, go to Employees > Groups and folders.
On the left you can see groups and folders that already exist. If you want to add a group or a folder, click the big plus icon and choose one of the options.
You have to name the group or the folder, you can also add a description.
In the same way you can create subgroups and subfolders, but instead of clicking the big plus icon, click the little plus next to the name of the group of the folder that you want to create the subgroup or subfolder under.
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