Educational element - it's everything you can add to or create in the system, that users can learn from. Knowledge base pages, tests, events, trainings, tasks, e-learning courses and files are all educational elements.
Path - a path contains educational elements, it leads users through the whole topic. You can add elements to the path - a training or a course and a test that will touch the same topic and assign the path to the user, so that they'll be sure what to do and in what order.
Program - a program contains paths. It's a great way to present mandatory content to users in a fun way.
Results - result is an effect of finishing an element. Result from a test equals percent of gained points and results from a training equals participants.
Activities - activity is everything that users do in the system - from logging in and out to changes of statuses and results.
Cerfificates - certificates are files you can download that prove that certain element is done by the user. You can add them to any educational element and even create your own template.
Assignments - assigning users to elements means that the elements will become available to them. When a test is assign to you, you have to take it. You can assign elements directly or by paths and programs - to single users or whole groups of them.
Groups of users - they contain users, helps to categorize them by their position or location. When your group structure is well-prepared, it's really easy to assign elements to the exact users you want to, for example every manager gets access to suitable e-learning courses or every new employee automatically gets an onboarding program.
Groups of objects - they allow to group educational elements into easily manageable collections. Thanks to groups we know the topic of elements, who they are for and we can allow selected users to manage them.
Knowledge base - Knowledge base contains sorted articles - from contact info to list o key people in the organization, from benefits available to employees to new products. Availability of each section can be limited so your usage of KB can have no bounds!
View - views allow you to filter records on any list according to needed criteria. You can create a view that will show only your subordinates or users from certain location. Views can present results from an educational element, assignments and many more.
Course - ready-to-do e-learning, that can be added to HCM Deck and assigned to users. It can be about anything - procedures, safety or products. Users just start it and finish inside the app, even on their mobile devices. Courses have to be created in SCORM or AICC standard.
Training - traditional training is an educational element that allows you to gather enrollment information about trainings that are happening offline and then to input results and presence to keep all the info in one place.
SSO - single sign-on - a tool available in the app that allows you to get access to the platform without using separate login and password. It requires a special configuration and specific mechanisms from Client.
Import - import usually means automatic user data synchronization. It allows administrators to work with updated info and use the automatization offered by the system.
Administrator - it's a user that has full rights to administrate the system.
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