Important information and helpful tips
- Manage groups and folders
- Creating views for results (beta)
- ✔️ 360 feedback - detailed instructions
- Feeback - instructions for approvers
- Feedback - instructions for participants and reviewers
- Feedback - instructions for platform and feedback admins
- Skill import
- ✔️ Estimated completion time
- ✔️🌍 Learning time limits
- ✔️ Test with multiple parts (combined scoring method)
- ✔️🌍 Test score recalculation
- ✔️ Knowledge base (for administrators)
- ✔️🌍 Delete the results of a survey action
- ✔ To-do list (for admins)
- ✔ 🌍 To-do list (for learners)
- ✔ Check the completion rate of an object
- ✔️ Course catalog (for admins)
- ✔️ Share dashboards
- ✔️ Assigning objects to groups
- ✔️ 🌍 Course catalog (for learners)
- ✔️ Dashboard - create, manage, view
- Incompatible course version - progress clearing
- ✔️ Manage learning categories
- ✔️ Recurring reports
- ✔️ Set up a realistic 360 feedback cycle timeline
- ✔️ 360 feedback basics
- Knowledge base trash
- Dictionary
- System requirements